Micswell Café 8-in-1 Brings you all the satisfaction of a robust brew With no caffeine reaction Micswell taste mildly sweet Only has 15 calories per cup

Spirulina Miracle Food Contains vegetable proteins, vitamins, minerals, trace elements Cell salts and chlorophyll that our body and brain needs Complete Nutrition

Moringa Natural energy booster 7 times the vitamin C of oranges 4 times the protein in milk 4 times of Vitamin A of Carrots 3 times the potassium in bananas

Micswell Café 8-in-1 Brings you all the satisfaction of a robust brew With no caffeine reaction Micswell taste mildly sweet Only has 15 calories per cup
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CF WELLNESS INCORPORATED was established with the “main purpose of providing every Filipino family with affordable yet world-class FILIPINO-manufactured consumer products” through a “Full Blown” and “Comprehensive” Marketing System where consumers can partake in a lucrative and comprehensive rewards system.
Powerful Products of CF-Wellness

Wonder Coffee Brings you all the satisfaction of a robust brew With no caffeine reaction Micswell taste mildly sweet Only has 15 calories per cup

Health Benefits: Chlorella is a powerful detoxification of metallic toxins such as mercury and pesticides. Strengthening the immune system response. Helps digestion. Helps clean the blood. Protects the liver. Brain food. Effective against anemia. Stimulates the production of red blood cells in the body. Regulates blood sugar & blood pressures. Fights bad breath.

Reduce symptoms of chronic venous, blood pools in the legs causing pain, swelling, fatigue and visible veins. Reduce pain and swelling in sport injury. Lower BAD LDL cholesterol. Protect blood vessels from damage. Antioxidants. Improving night vision. Improving blood sugar level

Health Benefits: It prevents colds & flu. Rebuild the structural integrity of the body via collagen renewal. (collagen is fibrous in nature that connects & support other bodily tissues, skin, tendons, cartilage, muscles.) Resolving the hardening or blocking of arteries & helping to prevent stroke due to arterial or vascular rapture. Sodium Ascorbate has the leading role to play in the elimination of chronic & acute infections. It helps the bones & teeth to be more stronger. It prot

Whitens Skin Removes dead Skin cells Protection against UV rays Reduce wrinkles Reduce Skin allergies Reduce Varicose veins Promotes healthy Scalp Eliminates dandruff Feminine wash Deodorizer and sanitizer Facial wash and mouth wash Whitens teeth Under arm protector

Normalizes bowel movements. Helps maintains bowel integrity movements. It helps lower the risk of developing hemorrhoids. It helps cleanse the colon & prevents possible diseases. It helps lower blood cholesterol levels. It regulates blood sugar levels. Flushes out body waste & toxins. It helps better absorptions of nutrients.

Soothen’s Headache Muscle Pain reliever Cold & Flu symptom relief remedies